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ACC Acupuncture treatment

First Consult 60 min $55

Follow up 45min – 60min $55


Please note that an ACC number and date of injury will be required before starting treatment


Acupuncture Private treatment

First consult 45-60min $95

Follow up 45minutes $95

Tuina (Traditional Chinese therapeutic massage and body work)

60 min $110

45 min $95

What to expect during an acupuncture treatment

The initial consultation will involve a thorough examination which will last approximately 20- 30 minutes.

This will involve questions related to your main complaint such as the cause and duration of an injury, questions about sleep, energy levels, or digestion and dietary habits.

Any of the following Chinese Medical diagnostic methods will also be carried out with your consent, such as examination of the tongue, pulse, abdomen, joint range of motion, muscle strength and orthopedic tests.

Information gained from these examination methods will be used to get an idea of the cause of the problem and the most effective treatment plan. A small number of very fine needles will then been inserted with some left in place for up to 30 minutes. During this time a herb called moxibustion may be burnt next to specific acupuncture points to warm the area. After removal of the needles suction cups or massage may be used if appropriate to enhance the effects of the treatment.

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